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系统之家 7 月 25 日消息,罗技已经开始向客户发送电子邮件 Windows 和 macOS 上的经典的 Logitech Options 该应用即将停止使用。官方敦促用户服从 Options 切换到 Options ,这是支持更多罗技设备的新一代应用版本。Options 该应用程序是罗技鼠标、键盘、网络摄像头、麦克风等配件产品的配套软件,可用于创建自定义的快速方式、配套配件和多台计算机、更新固件等。
Logitech Options Retiring Soon
We are grateful to you for being a valuable user of Logitech Options so far. Options has been enhancing your Logitech mice, keyboards, and touchpads experience by allowing customization, making the device truly yours. However, Options will be retiring soon and we want to help you with this transition.
Logi Options is the next-gen of Logitech Options offering you everything that Options had. Options will be the application going forward for personal workspace devices and provide ongoing integrated device firmware updates for optimal security and performance.
Logitech Options Retiring Soon
We are grateful to you for being a valuable user of Logitech Options so far. Options has been enhancing your Logitech mice, keyboards, and touchpads experience by allowing customization, making the device truly yours. However, Options will be retiring soon and we want to help you with this transition.
Logi Options is the next-gen of Logitech Options offering you everything that Options had. Options will be the application going forward for personal workspace devices and provide ongoing integrated device firmware updates for optimal security and performance.
系统之家注意到罗技 Options 官方网站还提醒用户切换 Options 。
罗技官网显示,Logi Options 应用程序是 Logitech Options 新一代产品可以为所有支持的个人办公空间设备设置更多的自定义设置,包括罗吉鼠标、键盘、指示灯、网络摄像头、触摸板和无线演示器,并免费使用。
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